18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (2024)

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So it’s only a few weeks until youget on a plane and fly off to Europe. You’ve spent months planning your perfect backpacking Europe route. You’ve saved for your trip and know your daily budget back to front. Yet as your trip gets closer and closer, have you wondered what you may have forgotten to pack? Don’t fear! We’ve compiled our list of backpacking Europe essentials that we never fail to bring on any trip.

These items are often left at home by travellers who get caught up in the excitement of their trip and can be difficult to pick up on the road, particularly in Eastern Europe and the Balkan countries.

Table of Contents

1. Packing Cubes

I honestly don’t know how I used to travel without these before. My backpack was always a mess and I would have to take everything out to find the one item I was searching for. These days, even if I’m only going on a short weekend getaway, I always take myEagle Creek compression packing cubes (alsoavailable direct from Eagle Creek here).

They are incredibly lightweight, come in a range of sizes, compress my items and make finding things a breeze. They will score you great karma points if you are staying in a hostel as you won’t be that one traveller that seems to always be rustling plastic bags in the early hours of the morning!

While there are many packing cubes to choose from, I recommend these Eagle Creek Compression Packing Cubes as they have the additional benefit of compression which a lot of packing cubes don’t have.

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (1)

2. Universal Plug Adapter

Many hostels are notorious for having a lack of electric outlets in their rooms. I’ve often stayed in dorms where, despite there being eight or ten beds, there are only one or two outlets in the room!

Rather than fighting with other backpackers over those outlets, I now travel with a Universal plug adapter that has additional USB slots.

This means that you can charge multiple items overnight and also be covered if visiting a country with a different plug socket. You’ll also likely become the hero of your dorm with this Universal Plug Adapter as several backpackers will be able to share one outlet!

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (2)

3. Power Bank

Speaking of lack of electric outlets, another great gadget to have if travelling with multiple electronic items is a power bank.

These lightweightnifty devices allow you to charge items when on the move. This is super handy if you’ve had one too many beers the night before and forgot to plug in your phone before going to bed! They’re also great if you’re planning on camping throughout your trip.

I highly recommend the Anker Powercore Power Bank as one of my essentials for backpacking Europe as it’s one of the most lightweight power banks on the market.

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (3)

4. Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is something to consider when backpacking Europe.

For many backpacking trips, we have usedWorld Nomads. They offer flexible and simple travel insurance policies with coverage for more than 150 activities that you can buy or extend while on the road.

Another option if you’re travelling on a tight budget or long term is SafetyWing which offers travel medical insurance at extremely affordable rates.

Don’t know what to pack for your trip? Check out our complete backpacking Europe packing list!

5. Kindle E-Reader

For a long time, I resisted the development of technology and stuck with paper books. However, a few years ago, I finally bought a Kindle E-reader to save space in my backpack and I haven’t looked back since.

Not only are e-readers significantly lighter than paper books but I’m now able to load several books onto my device before beginning a trip. This means I’m no longer in danger of being stuck with the one torn paperback left in the hostel book exchange before a ten-hour bus ride.

I recommend the Kindle Paperwhiteas it has a backlight which is useful as many hostels don’t have bedside lamps!

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (4)

6. Smartphone

As somebody that travelled before the age of smartphones, it pains me to say that this is a backpacking Europe essential. However, travelling with a smartphone makes your trip so much easier!

Whether it’s having access to maps to navigate to your hostel, a translate app to communicate in more off the beaten path areas or know the correct exchange rate, having a smartphone will save you time and money.

To prevent dealing with some of the negative consequences of having a smartphone, consider limiting your time on social media and remember to enjoy your surroundings rather than staring at your phone!

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (5)

7. International SIM Card

While you can get by with having a lot of offline apps, it certainly makes sense to have a SIM card when backpacking Europe.

Whether it’s finding your way to your hostel, letting your mum know that you’re alive or meeting up with friends you meet on the road, having data on your phone is incredibly helpful.

I recommend this Three Prepaid SIM with 12GB dataor theOrange Prepaid SIM with 30GB Data as the best international SIM cards for Europe. Just remember, to not let having access to the internet take away from the experience of backpacking Europe!

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (6)

8. Noise Cancelling Headphones

One of the most relaxing aspects of travelling can be getting onto a long train or bus ride, playing your favourite music or podcast and tune out while looking out the windows.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of distractions that can get in the way of this such as a noisy passenger or the bus driver deciding to blast his favourite album! That’s why an essential for backpacking Europe is a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones that drowns out the noise around you!

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (7)

9. Microfibre towel

While some hostels are beginning to provide towels for guests, this isn’t always the case which is why I always travel with a microfibre towel when backpacking Europe.

These towels dry super quickly meaning you can shower without worrying about carrying a damp towel in your backpack all day. They also pack down very well in your backpack.

This microfibre towel has the added advantage of an antibacterial treatment to prevent odours from building up!

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (8)

10. Rain Jacket

While this list of backpacking Europe essentials doesn’t include every piece of clothing you should take with you (check out our backpacking Europe packing list for that!), one item that I often see travellers forgetting about is a quality waterproof rain jacket.

When on a longer trip through Europe, you will undoubtedly go through a range of climates and whether you are going for a hike or just want to keep exploring a city, having a rain jacket in Europe will ensure that you can continue your plans without everything you’re wearing getting soaked.

I recommend the North Face Resolve Jacket (women’s click here) and have used it on countless trips around Europe.

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (9)

11. Water bottle

The tap water in almost everywhere in Europe is perfectly drinkable so avoid contributing to unnecessary waste and take a reusable water bottle with you rather than buying plastic bottles everywhere you go.

Reusable water bottles also have the additional advantages of not developing bacteria anywhere near as easily as plastic bottles and do a good job at insulating your drink so you can carry around hot or cold drinks!

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (10)

12. Travel Locks

Backpacking throughout Europe is, for the most part, incredibly safe. However, it’s worth taking some precautions to make sure your items are safe. I travel with both regular TSA compliant locksand also a travel cable lock.

The regular locks can be used for locking the zippers on your backpack and for hostel lockers – I prefer combination locks so you don’t need to worry about losing the key!

The cable locks are handy for locking your backpack to a stationary object – I often do this if leaving my backpack in a common storage area or on an overnight train.

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (11)

13. Flip flops

While hostels in Europe are undoubtedly getting cleaner then they were a decade or two ago, when washing in shared showers it’s always good to be extra cautious!

Flip-flops are a backpacking Europe essential if you want to make sure you avoid picking up some nasty athlete’s foot during your travels. Luckily, a good pair of flip flops can serve multiple purposes as you will surely end up at a beach or two during your travels.

I always travel with my trusty pair of Havaianas and they have served me well! Just make sure not to wear them when carrying your backpack (as I see many travellers doing!) and instead pack a good pair of walking shoes as this is terrible for both your back and your feet!

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (12)

14. Eye mask & ear plugs

When staying in hostels, you will undoubtedly encounter some inconsiderate backpackers who decide to switch on the main light at 2 amand decide to unpack their entire backpack.

That’s why I consider an eye mask and earplugs absolute essentials when backpacking Europe and staying in dormitories.

I prefer cotton eye masksas they’re significantly more comfortable than the cheap eye masks you tend to get on economy flights. Similarly, I like to travel with a large box of earplugsas they wear out quickly and there’s nothing worse than realising they don’t work in the middle of the night!

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (13)

15. Notepad & Pen

While many millennials might scoff at the idea that a notepad and pen are essential items for backpacking Europe, I can’t imagine going on a trip without them!

Not only they are great for keeping a diary of your trip but I also find it incredibly useful for writing down directions in case your phone battery dies. Plus, your trusty notepad won’t let you down if you want to get the e-mail address of that person you just met in the hostel common room!

I start every trip with a fresh Moleskine journal and don’t think that will ever change!

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (14)

16. First Aid Kit

One of the important must have items that I recommend travellers take with them is a small first aid kit.

Chances are that at some point during your travels, you will injure yourself or get sick so rather than having to rush to the pharmacy when that happens, it’s best to be prepared with a few essential items in your backpack.

Combine this first aid kit with some basic medicines like paracetamol, ibuprofen and anti-diarrhoea tablets will ensure that you’re well prepared!

And if you’re fortunate enough to stay perfectly helping during your travels then I’m sure there’ll come a time when one of your fellow backpackers will find your kit handy!

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (15)

17. Pocket Knife

Either when you’re on a train, in a poorly equipped hostel kitchen or just out and about for the day, a quality pocket knife will undoubtedly come in handy while backpacking Europe!

A Leatherman pocket knife will last you for countless trips and will not only allow you to eat and drink on the road easier, but it will also help you repair bits and pieces easily while travelling.

It comes with a 25-year warranty so you can have confidence it’s worth the investment!

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (16)

18. Lightweight Shopping Bag

As a backpacker, you’ll surely be purchasing at least some of your food in local supermarkets, so to help and environment and avoid paying for supermarket bags, consider packing a lightweight shopping bag.

Apart from being able to carry groceries, you can also use it as additional storage if you pick up any items while abroad and is definitely necessary for many local markets where they don’t even offer the opportunity to buy a bag!

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (17)

Setting out on a backpacking Europe trip is a rite of passage for many young travellers. Hopefully, this list of essentials has reminded you of some items that you might have forgotten about in the excitement of planning your trip!

What items do you consider to be must-have items for travel? Let us know in the comments below!

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18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (18)

18 Must-Have Backpacking Europe Essentials (2024)


Can a 17 year old backpack Europe? ›

Yes. It is more common for Europeans to travel young so would not seem so unusual there. It will also accelerate maturity and personal growth in the 17 y.o. as they are forced to plan, make decisions, adapt and manage finances. Have them go backpacking and stay in hostels.

How much money would you need to backpack in Europe? ›

The total cost of backpacking Europe

I spent a total of €8,336 over the course of 114 days in Europe which equals to an average of €73 per day. Now, if you are planning your own Europe trip, please take this as a rough guide as there are many circ*mstances that may lead to that price being higher or lower.

What to pack for 4 weeks in Europe? ›

15 essential packing items for a Europe trip
  • Versatile clothing.
  • Comfortable shoes.
  • Accessories.
  • Sun protection.
  • Rain protection.
  • Day bags.
  • Toiletries.
  • Medical kit.

How do people afford to backpack Europe? ›

Start a travel savings account. Plan to pay for all your trips before you take them. You can't really enjoy a trip if you have to come home and spend months paying for it; plus, while you are on the trip itself you'll likely be obsessing about money and worse, possibly arguing about it.

Can you fly to Europe alone at 17? ›

Any persons under 18 travelling without their parents or guardian are required to present an international travel permission declaration form signed by their father, mother or guardian at the check-in desks.

Can a 17 year old travel to Germany alone? ›

According to German law, your legal guardians have the right and the duty to determine your locaction. They should do that in accordance with your age and maturity, so the law does not preclude traveling alone for a 17-year-old.

Is $100 a day enough for Europe? ›

It all depends on where you're going and what you plan to do during your trip. As you can see from our travel costs table above, some European cities are cheaper or more expensive than others. As a general rule, though, it's a good idea to budget at least $100 a day for your vacation.

How much does a 1 month Europe trip cost? ›

If you want more luxurious options such as five star hotels or private tours then your costs will increase significantly. On average, a month long trip to Europe could cost anywhere from $4,500 -$7,500 depending on how extravagant your vacation is!

How much does 2 months backpacking in Europe cost? ›

How much does it cost to travel Europe for 2 months? The minimum amount of money you can expect to spend during your 2 month Europe itinerary (not including) flights is 6,000 USD. This assumes that your food, accommodation and transport within the continent will cost no less than 100 USD per person, per day.

What is the 5-4-3-2-1 packing method? ›

Its version of the 5-4-3-2-1 method includes "five tops, four bottoms, three accessories, two shoes (a practical pair and a nice pair), and one swimsuit," though like the Times this formula allows the wiggle room to swap out accessories based on your destination and type of travel.

What's cheaper to buy in Europe? ›

Luxury brands that are cheaper in Europe

Some of the most popular brands cheaper in Europe include Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Saint Laurent, Gucci, Givenchy, Balmain, Christian Louboutin, Dior, Hermès, Lanvin, Chloé, Céline, and more.

What toiletries should I bring to Europe? ›

Essentials – travel-sized toothbrush, toothpaste, razor & deodorant. Pack liquids in sealable plastic baggies to avoid leaks. Stain Removing Wipes – travel-sized wipes or a stain removing pen for getting rid of spots. Washcloth – many European hotels do not provide washcloths.

How long will $20,000 last in Europe? ›

For example, if your goal is to backpack around Europe and stay in hostels or other budget-friendly lodging options then this amount could easily get you 3-4 months of travel.

Is backpacking Europe alone worth it? ›

Backpacking around Europe can be just as safe, and just as much fun (if not more), as traveling with your dearest friend. Just follow these tips, and you, too, can have an awesome backpacking trip. If it's your first time traveling alone, backpacking Europe is the way to go.

Should you bring a suitcase or backpack to Europe? ›

In general, spaces are a lot smaller, the infrastructure isn't very suitcase friendly and if you're backpacking, you'll probably be flying with a lot of low-cost airlines or taking the train or a bus. All this is what makes travel backpacks the ideal packing method for a European vacation.

Can you stay in a hostel at 17 in Europe? ›

Unaccompanied minors are generally not accepted in youth hostels. Nevertheless, some establishments may allow unaccompanied minors between the ages of 16 and 18 to stay alone in their Youth Hostel provided they have a parental permission along with a copy of the legal guardian's valid ID or passport.

Can I travel to Paris at 17? ›

Teenagers aged 16 and 17 years old can travel by themselves. However, they'll need all the usual travel documents and must meet all the legal requirements.

Can you travel the world at 17? ›

With the right planning and careful consideration of any risks, a 17 year old can absolutely have fun travelling around the world. It's a great opportunity to learn about different cultures, make new friends, and gain independence.

What is the age range for backpackers? ›

As such, backpackers can be of any age, but are typically aged 18-30.


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.