Guide for Red Dead Redemption (2024)

Now the side missions are complete, we can work on 100% of the Single Player. We will also get other achievements in the process.

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  • Redeemed

    Attain 100% in the Single Player Game Completion stat.

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For 100% you need to:

  • Complete all 57 story missions (57%) – see page 3 for more details on them
  • Complete 18 Stranger side missions (9%) – see page 4 for more details on them
  • Purchase the 5 rare weapons (2.5%)
  • Purchase all 13 safehouses (2%)
  • Discover all 94 locations (6%)
  • Complete all job locations (2.5%)
  • Clear all 7 Gang Hideouts (3.5%)
  • Complete all 20 Bounty locations (2%)
  • Complete all Single Player Challenges to Rank 10 (8%)
  • Complete all the mini-games (3%)
  • Unlock the 9 outfits (4.5%)

Missions and Side Missions

I have covered the story and side missions in detail on the previous two pages. Check them for all the information you need.

We will do our shopping first.


Standard prices are in (italics). Prices vary depending on which outfit you are wearing and your honor.

Collect 5 rare weapons. First, head to the Gunsmith in Blackwater. Purchase the Carcano Rifle ($1,100), Mauser Pistol ($800) & the Evans Repeater ($1,100). Then head to the Escalera Gunsmith to purchase the LeMat Revolver ($1,250) and the Semi-auto Shotgun ($1,100).

TOTAL COST = $5,350.

The first weapon you purchase will reward you with:

  • Exquisite Taste

    Purchase a rare weapon from a gunsmith.

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You need to buy all the properties in the game. You do not need Pleasance House or rental properties. The following houses are free and are unlocked through story mission progress:

  • MacFarlane’s Ranch Safehouse
  • Irish’s Shack
  • Blackwater Safehouse
  • Beecher’s Hope Safehouse (John & Abigail’s room)
  • Beecher’s Hope Safehouse (Jack’s room)

You need to purchase:

  • Armadillo Safehouse ($50)
  • Rathskellar Fork Safehouse ($100)
  • Thieves’ Landing Safehouse ($100)
  • Escalera Safehouse ($150)
  • Chuparosa Safehouse ($200)
  • Casa Madrugada Safehouse ($250)
  • El Matadero Safehouse ($150)
  • Manzanita Post Safehouse ($400)

TOTAL COST = $1,400


You are required to discover all 94 locations on the map. Sounds a little troublesome, does it not? Well, there is an easy method of doing this. Visit every general store and purchase a map from every store. Then, enter your inventory and select ‘use’. Your map will be updated. The store locations are in: Blackwater, Manzanita Post, Armadillo, MacFarlane’s Ranch, Thieves’ Landing, Chuparosa and Escalera.

It is very common for a certain location to be missing after you use all of the maps. You can check in your stats, and if it is New Austin, you are probably missing Repentance Rock. It is to the left of Rio Bravo and Fort Mercer. If you look on your map, you will see a cluster of rocks near the locations mentioned. That is the missing location 99% of the time. Image of the location is below. Ignore the red crosshairs.

Guide for Red Dead Redemption (14)

If this is not solving it for you, read It has listed every possibility that they are aware of. I do not want to add that information to this guide as there is a lot of it and 99.9% of people will not need it. I hope you do not need it either.

Once you have found all the locations, you will have unlocked the following:

Job Locations

There are 5 job locations and two different types of jobs:

  • Ridgewood Farm – Horsebreaking
  • Chuparosa – Horsebreaking and Nightwatch
  • MacFarlane’s Ranch – Nightwatch
  • Blackwater - Nightwatch

Gang Hideouts

You are also required to complete all 5 US hideouts in 24 game hours in order to unlock the US Marshall Outfit. This outfit can only be unlocked after you complete the mission ‘The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed’. It is required for 100% completion. When attempting this, do not fast travel as this will progress your game by 6 hours. The clock starts when you complete the first hideout. It is easier than it sounds. I have listed them in the order that is the most efficient.

Gaptooth Breach (US)

Head west from Benedict Point. Join the injured stranger near the gates. Head to the left, towards the blue dot (Floyd). Shoot the guy on the steps of the building and go upstairs and rescue Floyd. Watch a cutscene and head outside. Shoot the 6 enemies on your way over to the mine entrance. Make your way through the mine until you get to the treasure room. Be wary of enemies as there are several who will try to stop you. After you get to the treasure room, open the crate and head back to the entrance. There will be 3 enemies on your way there. Hideout complete.

Tumbleweed (US)

This is to west of Ridgewood Farm. To start with, your aim is to free the captured sheriff. However, there are enemies in your way. Kill several enemies that are in the centre of the town. Most of them run around so use cover. Then free the sheriff and head towards the mansion. There are a couple of enemies on the porch and 5 downstairs in the cellar. You can go through the door around the back or the door in the middle of the mansion to get to the cellar. A shotgun will come in handy here. Use cover and wait for them to move. Finally, go and meet up with the sheriff outside.

Fort Mercer (US)

This is east of Plainview. Go and meet the gunslinger near the wall. He will help you climb the wall. Take cover behind the crates and shoot the three criminals in front of you. Then take out the 4 enemies on the left side of the fort. Shoot the guys on the right then jump down and kill the enemies near you. As you do this, make your way to the gates and let Leon in to help you. Eventually, the gang leaders will come out of the doors at the back of the fort. Kill them and head to the treasure room. Hideout complete.

Twin Rocks (US)

Head north from Armadillo. Meet the rancher near the rocks outside Twin Rocks. When you approach Twin Rocks, he will appear on your radar. After the cutscene, take out the two guys on the high rocks either side of you. Then kill the 4 or 5 enemies outside. Once they have died, 2 enemies run out of the building. When you enter, turn left and shoot the bandit who is holding the rancher’s daughter hostage. Be quick and use Deadeye otherwise he will kill her.

Pike’s Basin (US)

You will find this to the east of MacFarlane’s Ranch. The Bollard’s Gang have stolen the guy’s herd. After the cutscene, there will be 3 enemies on the right side. Push forward and kill the enemies that spawn in front of you. There will be 4 pairs until you get to the rope bridge, where there is just the one. Next, head in to the basin and shoot the 3 of them. You can shoot through the tents. After the next cutscene, jump on a horse and take the right hand path. There will another 4 pairs that wish to become corpses, so shoot each pair as you move the herd forward. After the final kill, this will be complete.

Assuming you have completed the other two required for this achievement, you will now be rewarded with:

  • Austin Overpowered

    Complete Twin Rocks, Pike's Basin, and Gaptooth Breach Hideouts in Single Player.

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Nosalida (Mexico)

Head NW from Escalera. Approach the general and grab the fire bottles next to him. You are required to burn the 3 houses and 2 boats. You will be attacked by several enemies. You can complete this without killing them but it is a lot easier to kill them and then throw the fire bottles. Be careful not to hit a soldier with the fire bottle! You will now have completed the criteria to unlock:

  • Instinto Asesino

    Complete Fort Mercer and Nosalida Hideouts in Single Player.

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Tesoro Azul (Mexico)

This is SW of Chuparosa. Meet the sheriff near the broken wagon. After the cutscene, two enemies will run through the main gate, and a third will be behind the wagon on the left. Enter the town, and there will be 5 enemies. They are not stationary so I cannot tell you who to kill first. Once 4 are dead, 4 enemies spawn in the south of the hideout. Then you have to kill the gang boss who has taken a man hostage. He is in the room in the right of the building with the blue marker, so use Deadeye and be quick.

  • Evil Spirits

    Complete Tumbleweed and Tesoro Azul Hideouts in Single Player.

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Bounty Locations

You are required to catch or kill a bounty target at each location. There are 20 bounty locations in the game, spread over all 3 states. You receive more money for bringing a bounty in alive. To do this, lasso the target once you have killed all of the other enemies. You can find bounties posted in the towns below. When you are in one of these towns, the law will post a bounty poster on the wall. It is always the same wall and you will see a white skull on your map. They usually post between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. If there is no poster, just hang around and wait. When you return a target to the prison, go and sleep in the bed to progress the time by 6 hours. An active bounty target will be shown as a red skull on your map. When you transport a live bounty back to the prison, you may be chased by reinforcements. You can generally outrun them. Make sure you capture a Treasure Hunter and a Bandito alive for parts of outfits.

Once you capture a bounty target alive, you will unlock:

  • Clemency Pays

    Capture a bounty alive.

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These are the locations where bounties are posted and which locations they post:

Armadillo; Rathskeller Fork; MacFarlane’s Ranch

  • The Hanging Rock
  • Rattlesnake Hollow
  • Mercer Station
  • Rio del Lobo
  • Silent Stead
  • Repentance Rock
  • Brittlebrush Trawl
  • Mescalero

El Presidio; Escalera; Chuparosa

  • Plata Grande
  • Sepulcro
  • Barranca
  • Ojo del Diablo
  • Rancho Polvo
  • Primera Quebrada
  • Laguna Borrego
  • Hendidura Grande

Blackwater; Manzanita Post

  • Bearclaw Camp
  • Nekoti Rock
  • Aurora Basin
  • Tanner’s Reach


There are 8 challenges split over four sections - Treasure Hunter, Sharpshooter, Master Hunter and Survivalist. Each section has two challenges: Ranks 1-5 and Ranks 6-10. A reward is given when you unlock ranks 5 and 10. You may have done some already but I will explain each rank anyhow. Challenges cannot be completed when replaying a mission.

Treasure Hunter

I think the best way for this challenge is to watch the video. A visual guide is far better than a written one in this circ*mstance. This will start when you complete a random event where a treasure hunter is being attacked. He either gives you the first map or you can take it from his corpse. Each treasure is hidden in a chest under a small pile of stones.

However, I will still give you some text detail on each rank.

  1. Find the random treasure hunter
  2. Found at the most northern point of the Hanging Rock at the base of the largest boulder.
  3. Head to Del Lobo Rock. Go down the path that leads to a deserted camp. Look ahead and you should see a gap in between two rocks. Go through the gap and head down the left side.
  4. In Tumbleweed’s Old Mansion’s basem*nt. It is below the skull.
  5. Along the river bank in Rio del Toro. Look for the cattle skulls next to a tree about 15-20 feet inland. The treasure is behind a rock wall. You can walk past it so many times as it is well hidden. You can now ride stagecoaches for free.
  6. Near Crooked Toes. Look for the rock pillars and climb up to the top of the tallest one.
  7. Under the arch in Ojo del Diablo.
  8. Near Roca de Madera is a cliffside. There is a path on the side of it. Head east until you can find the start of the path. Keep walking down and you will eventually come to the treasure.
  9. Find the broken tree in Broken Tree. It is in the east. There is a small stone wall under the tree. The treasure is there.
  10. In the cave in Nekoti Rock. You now have doubled your satchel capacity.

You would have also unlocked:

  • Frontiersman

    Obtain Legendary rank in any Single Player Ambient Challenge.

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First things first. Go to a General Store and purchase a Survivalist Map for $13 - $39, depending on your honor. For 20 minutes, all plants will show on your radar. Activate when you get to Hennigan’s Stead. Fast travel from area to area to maximise your time with the map.

  1. ‘Collect 6 Wild Feverfew’. These are found in most of New Austin, in particular Hennigan’s Stead. They are white.
  2. 'Collect 6 Desert Sage’. Gaptooth Ridge has loads. They are light purple.
  3. 'Collect 4 Red Sage’. These red plants are found in Rio Bravo.
  4. 'Collect 8 Prickly Pear’. Head to Punta Orgullo. They look like cacti with orange petals on top. Extremely common.
  5. ‘Collect 7 Woolly Blue Curls’. Perdido has loads. They are easy to spot from your horse as they are bright indigo.
  6. ‘Collect 8 Butterfly Weed’. They are thin, with small yellow petals on top. Commonly found in Diez Coronas.
  7. ‘Collect 10 Hummingbird Sage’. Found in Tall Trees. They are short, white and fluffy. Beware of bears and cougars.
  8. ‘Collect 12 Prairie Poppies’. They look like daffodils, short and yellow. The Great Plains are has quite a few. Head north from Beecher’s Hope and you should find enough.
  9. ‘Collect 15 Golden Currant’. You may have seen some whilst collect poppies. Head towards the Broken Tree area and you will find these green, bushy plants there.
  10. ‘Collect 10 Violet Snowdrop and 2 more of every of herb’. The Violet Snowdrops are…violet! Shocker! They are also quite small and found in Tall Trees on the road up to Cochinay. The best order to collect all of the flowers is as follows:
  • Golden Currant. You are already here so grab two more
  • Prairie Poppy
  • Hummingbird Sage
  • Wild Feverfew
  • Red Sage
  • Desert Sage
  • Prickly Pear
  • Woolly Blue Curl
  • Butterfly Weed

This will then unlock the ability to make tonics out of plants. Tonic allows you to restore 75% of your Deadeye. It can only be created in this method as shops do not sell it.


I recommend using a repeater or a rifle for most of these. The Evans Repeater has a clip of 22 bullets but you could also use the Mauser Pistol or the Henry Repeater. If you are using a rifle, try the Bolt Action Rifle.

  1. ‘Kill any 5 flying birds’. This should not be a problem, just look up. However, you can reload the mission Pestilence and shoot the crows.
  2. ‘Kill 5 rabbits’. You can finds loads near the Hanging Rock before noon. If are riding a horse, they will run out of the bushes and you can get some easy kills. You could also load the mission New Friends, Old Problems and shoot the rabbits there.
  3. ‘Kill 5 coyotes without taking any damage from them’. They can be found anywhere in New Austin or Nuevo Parasío at night. Tip: Skin them to complete Master Hunter Rank 1.
  4. ‘Kill 5 birds from a moving train’. Find a train on the map and chase it down. You can wait at a station to board it or run alongside & jump on to the train when prompted on screen. DO NOT fast travel to a location to try and get ahead as the time progresses by 6 hours and the train will have moved on.
  5. ‘Kill any 2 different types of wild animals in 1 Deadeye meter’. This should not be an issue in most areas. Head to New Austin and follow the first animal you see. Then wait until you see another. There are birds, skunks, deer, rabbits, jackalope, armadillos, rattlesnakes, foxes, cougar and wild horse. You now collect more ammo from your safehouse chests and camping.
  6. Shoot 2 hats off 2 different people’s heads’. Head to Mexico and you will find a lot of sombreros. If you use Deadeye, only use it to slow time down (Deadeye Level 1). If you use lock-on (Deadeye Level 3) as that will give you head shots. Do not mark your target with the red X, but free aim.
  7. ‘Kill 3 bears each with 1 shot’. Head to Tall Trees and use a high-powered rifle. You should have the Bolt Action Rifle available. Aim for the head. You may not need to use Deadeye. Also, skin them for part of Bearly Legal.
  8. ‘Shoot 2 hats off 2 different people’s heads and disarm 2 people’. Read Rank 6 again. You could head to Twin Rocks and clear the hideout out. Use Deadeye on their weapons.
  9. ‘Kill any 6 wild animals without reloading or changing weapons’. As you have just cleared Twin Rocks, vultures will appear above the hideout. Use Deadeye and kill them. Deadeye automatically reloads the gun but that will not affect you on this challenge.
  10. ‘Disarm any 6 enemies without reloading or changing weapons’. Head to Pike’s Basin and ride through on a horse. When you see an enemy, use Deadeye to disarm them. If you are stuck, this video below is great. Completion of this allows your Deadeye meter to refill faster when you kill enemies.

. Credit goes to xFL1PPYx

Master Hunter

  1. ‘Kill and skin 5 coyotes’. Hopefully you skinned the coyotes when you worked on Sharpshooter Rank 3. If not, re-read that to find the best locations.
  2. Kill and skin 5 deer’. These are very common in the game. Look near Armadillo. The bucks (deer with antlers) do not count. Technically, as bucks are male, the deer should be called a doe as they would logically be the female version.
  3. ‘Kill 5 wolves with your melee knife and skin 5 wolves’. If you are on your horse, a wolf should die from the first knife attack. They are usually in packs of 10, so if you kill a pack of 5, more are likely to come. They can be found north of MacFarlane’s Ranch.
  4. ‘Skin 5 boars and 3 armadillos’. Armadillos are found in most of New Austin. Hanging Rock has quite a few. Then head over to the railway bridge near Tanner’s Span, in the Hennigan’s Stead side.
  5. ‘Kill 2 cougars with your melee knife and skin 2 cougars’. This is tricky. My tip would be to go near Repentance Rock in the daytime. Cougars always attack in pairs. Use a rifle and enter Deadeye to shoot its back legs. It should not run off. Then chase it (whilst still on your horse) and slice it with your knife. You have now unlocked the Buffalo Rifle to purchase from a Gunsmith.
  6. ‘Skin 5 racoons, 5 skunks and 5 foxes’. Raccoons can be found at night in the graveyard at Odd Fellow’s Rest. Skunks are found in abundance south of Twin Rocks. Foxes are common NW of the Wreck of the Serendipity.
  7. ‘Skin 5 elk and 5 bighorn sheep’. Elk and bighorns are both found all over Tall Trees.
  8. ‘Kill a bear with your melee knife and collect a bear pelt’. Use the same technique used on the cougar. Weaken it whilst on your horse, and then stab it. I recommend shooting 3 times in the body with the Bolt Action Rifle.

After that, kill and skin bears until you get to a total of 17. Check the in game stats (under collectables) to see how many you have skinned. We will get #18 and Bearly Legal shortly. It is best to use the Buffalo Rifle and aim for the head. You can usually get a one-shot kill. NOTE: if you die, you lose all the bears you skinned before the auto save. Save often by using a camp site.

  1. ‘Search Ojo Del Diablo for “Khan”, the legendary jaguar and collect his pelt’. As soon as you get there, it highly likely that he will appear. It is best to arrive during the day. When he appears, a red skull icon will show him on your HUD. Faster and stronger than a cougar but a Bolt Action Rifle shot to the head will kill him. You probably need to use Deadeye.
  2. ‘Search Aurora Basin for “Lobo” the legendary wolf, Stillwater Creek for “Gordo” the legendary boar, and Nekoti Rock for “Brumas” the legendary bear and collect their pelts’. See the notes on #9. You can now collect an item called “Vittles” when you skin an animal. This is identical to Medicine.

If you have followed my instructions, when you collected Brumas’ pelt, you would have got number 18 of the bear pelts for this:

  • Bearly Legal

    Kill and skin 18 grizzly bears.

    Guide for Red Dead Redemption (34)

    11 guidesGuide for Red Dead Redemption (35)Guide for Red Dead Redemption (36)Guide for Red Dead Redemption (37)

Mini Games

You need to win one of each mini game. Each mini game should be played in the locations I suggest as you are required to win there for various sections of the outfits needed for 100% completion.

  • Poker - eliminate all players at either table in Blackwater.
  • Blackjack – Rathskellar Fork. As soon as you make a profit, you are good to go.
  • Five Finger Fillet – Torquemada.
    • Pattern 1 – Guide for Red Dead Redemption (38) repeatedly
    • Pattern 2 – Guide for Red Dead Redemption (39), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (40), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (41), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (42), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (43), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (44), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (45), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (46), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (47), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (48) (repeat)
    • Pattern 3 – Guide for Red Dead Redemption (49), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (50), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (51), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (52), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (53), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (54), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (55), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (56), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (57), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (58) (repeat)
    • Pattern 4 - Guide for Red Dead Redemption (59), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (60), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (61), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (62), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (63), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (64), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (65), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (66), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (67), Guide for Red Dead Redemption (68) (repeat)
    • Horseshoes – MacFarlane’s Ranch. I did mention this one on page 3.
    • Liar’s Dice – Casa Madrugada. Make sure to defeat all of the players.
    • Arm Wrestling – win this at the Pacific Union Railroad Camp. Best of 3. Watch the opponent's face. If the opponent is using a lot of force, defend (hold A). When the strength bar is full, hit X until you use half of your strength before defending again. When you get there, walk into anybody who is stood behind the NPC’s chair and they will walk away. That means you only have to beat one person.

If you win in Liar’s Dice without losing a single die, you will be awarded:

  • No Dice

    Complete a game of Liar's Dice without losing a single die.

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You may have done some of these already. If you have followed my guide, then you only need to do the ones in bold. Check your in-game journal to see what you need. I will add information as needed.

U.S. Army Outfit

  • Search Aurora Basin – there is a chest inside the cabin, near the lake.
  • Win an Arm Wrestling match at the Pacific Union Railroad Camp.
  • Eliminate all other players in a game of Poker in Blackwater.
  • Complete the Stranger side mission “Lights, Camera, Action”.
  • Complete a Nightwatch job in Blackwater.
  • Purchase the scrap from the Tailor in Blackwater.

U.S. Marshal Outfit

Complete the following Hideouts in 24 game hours:

  • Fort Mercer
  • Gaptooth Breach
  • Tumbleweed
  • Pike’s Basin
  • Twin Rocks

Elegant Suit

Go to the Tailor’s shop in Thieves’ Landing and purchase the outfit for $70. You will now unlock

  • He Cleans Up Well!

    Obtain the Elegant Suit.

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Mexican Poncho

Unlocked when you purchase a Mexican safehouse.

Bollard Twins Outfit

  • In a chest in the warehouse in Thieves’ Landing. It is in the upstairs room.
  • Complete a Nightwatch job in MacFarlane’s Ranch.
  • Win at Horseshoes in MacFarlane’s Ranch.
  • Defend residents of Hennigan’s Stead from the Bollard Twins Gang. If you go to your journal, then go to the outfit page, you can track which will trigger a random event.
  • Purchase at the Tailor in Thieves’ Landing.

Treasure Hunter Outfit

  • Search Silent Stead. In a container in the small house.
  • Complete the side mission “California”.
  • Make a profit playing Blackjack at Rathskeller Fork.
  • Claim a Treasure Hunter bounty alive. Bounties for this gang are posted in Rathskeller Fork.
  • Complete Gaptooth Breach Hideout.
  • Purchase at the Tailor Thieves’ Landing.

Bandito Outfit

  • Search the camp in Sidewinder Gulch for a chest.
  • Complete a Nightwatch job in Chuparosa.
  • Defeat all players in a round of Liar’s Dice in Casa Madrugada.
  • Capture a Bandito bounty alive. Bandito bounties are posted in Escalera.
  • Defend residents of Mexico from the Banditos. If you go to your journal, then go to the outfit page, you can track which will trigger a random event.
  • Purchase at the General Store in Chuparosa.

Reyes’ Rebels Outfit

  • Search for a chest in Sepulcro cemetery.
  • Complete the side mission “Poppyco*ck”.
  • Complete a Horsebreaking job in Chuparosa.
  • Complete the side mission “Love is the Opiate”.
  • Win at Five Finger Fillet in Torquemada.
  • Purchase at the General Store in Escalera.

The Rancher Outfit is given to you through normal play of the story missions.

There you go. 100% of the Single Player done. This is yours.

  • Redeemed

    Attain 100% in the Single Player Game Completion stat.

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Now we can clean up the remaining miscellaneous achievements before we finish the multiplayer.

6. Miscellaneous Achievements4. Stranger Side Missions

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Guide for Red Dead Redemption (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.